I have gone mad on making man stuff today as a way of thinking of my poor hubby who went back today after about 5 weeks off work (it started with 2 weeks holiday)..
I was also thinking of my sons girlfrind who lost her granddad over the weekend.... So here's to all the wonderful men out there who nearly always get forgotten by us crafty card makers.. Oh yes and the girl card(I had to) she was just looking at me so I could not turn my back on here now could I....
All the cleaning that I was going to do today went out of the window too..Lol.. My bedroom is nearly finished and I have made head way with my craft stuff in between being creative(if that's what I call it)....
I need more boxes to do, so I have decided to make another Pizza box (like the brown one) a little bit bigger and i'm going to make boxes of cards as gifts for people at christmas...only small ones mind..!
Well hubby will be home for tea soon so I best show you the cards (all 3 of them)...
Papers and images are all from RAKs sent to be by the wonderful crafters on PCP (paper craft planet).....