My friend was 40 a few weeks ago. I gave her a lovely box of hand made cards a nice pen and some refills, I also added a Note book to the inside top of the box. She loved them, but she loved the sweets the best. I had thought about adding more embellishment however she is not into crafting like we are and would have moaned about too much stuff on it so I kept it minimalistic (big word for me on a friday..Lol).
I showed my other friend it as the box was from the glasses she had bought for me at christmas along with a big bottle of white and some flowers (they know how to keep the boss sweet).....!
She loved it and she will now try and do something along these lines herself (I know she won't as she does not have a creative bone in her body, she will have the idea and ask me to do it).
She has never seen anyone get so excited over a clear plastic box...
The amount of sweets that box held was unbelievable. I can see a trip to the dentist looming, although my friend has just become a step mum of 4 children...
Hope you get some inspiration from it....
I hope to be back with more soon..