Hi there I just had to have a go at these wonderful flowers that I saw on Tabby Craft Designs blog, She's down there amongst the blogs I follow.. Yeah down there in my side bar..! There is also a link to see some others too.. I will have to go through my tub and re do all the flowers in there now. Thanks Tabby for sharing this with us..
I adore this stamp and could use it all the time but thought you would all get bored and never come and say Hello again..Lol.. So I have to use others too....
The papers again are MME I think... from a stack I bought last year but just love it.. I only ever buy Basic Grey or MME at the best of times so it must be.... You know my memory is rubbish.. Now what was I going to say..... Oh yes I have posted loads of RAKs , birthday cards and friendship pages today the poor postman will get a shock when he collects because it was a tiny village PO that I used and they are not used to so much stuff in one day...
The ribbon is the stuff with wire along each edge and I have had it for a year and only just getting around to using it.. I keep saying I am not going to buy anything else for a while but I'm just too weak and keep giving in..Lol how many times have you said and done the same thing???
Leave some love and tell me the tale and share your excuses...If you dare tell all..
I may not be back tomorrow as I'm going away for a long weekend so if i'm not I will see you all on Monday ish....