This is the link you will need to create the wonderful flower I have found, this is my first attempt.. http://7kidscollegefund.typepad.com/7kidscollegefund/2009/03/claudia-rosa-design-team-member-tutorial-handmade-flower-embellishment.html
I was looking on the Sugar Nellie site as I do most days and I found these fantastic flowers via Marlene's blog that I always have a peek at.
This is my first attempt but will keep making these to add to my boxes and things...
I have also had to make a sympathy card for a neighbour that died last week. She is one of the reasons that my business is still going, as I told her one day that I was skint (I buy too much craft stuff) and was thinking of getting another Auditing job as things were going slow.. June like myself was a carer although she did about 20 years more than me and she told me I must keep going and to just carry on. sadly she died last monday of bowel cancer and I could not make it to the funeral yesterday as we (my other 4 girls and myself) are just snowed under with work this week... I just know she would understand and would loved to have helped out if she could have.
My son went as he went to school with her son and daughter and he said the church was packed.
You will be missed June.. XXX
So this plain White and silver card lead me on to make some not so fancy cards that I can make and sell to help me to buy the wheelchair I need for the business. I hope you like them and will let me know as I think they need just a little something else. I will add just a few for you.
Lynn xx