Well I'm getting so tetchy and need to get crafting. I'm behind with some RAKs and this months will be due to go out soon too. If you are one of the ladies from PCP reading this and are due an RAK I am so so sorry that it will be late.
As you know my bedroom/craftroom is in the middle of being decorated etc but my hubby is so ill at the moment i'm not rushing him to do much. The doctor has said he has had the Swine Flu but it can take up to 6 weeks to clear properly. When the doctor did his blood preasure he said it is exactly the same as the last time he had it done... in 1992..! Yeah he hates to go see the doc.
I have tomorrow off work so I may get to paint a couple of walls. i will not be able to put new skirting on but that can wait. Over the weekend I may be able to move my grandbaby's new pram and the car seat and the nappy wrapper, my excersize machine etc and get to my stash and do a little bit although I don't know if I will get to what I want as it is all stacked up!
My will be getting bitten to the wick if something doesn't get sorted sooooon......!
Here have a look...