Due to bad weather where my dad is the train drop off has changed so I will have to wait a couple of weeks and go into Brid when I go over to chalet.. I can go to his house now too as I have an address not just a phone number....
We have sun shine so we are still going to York and will go to the Paper Mill Shop and stock up with card...
I have tried to keep my blog candy at the top and will find out if it has worked when I add this. Some how I don't know if it has, I may have miss understood the directions from Nicky.. I keep telling you all how daft I am...Lol..
Just a few cards to show again before my son turns up to go out.. As you can see I love Edwin Fishing... great for "Man" cards...
Pity that you could not see your Dad, but at least you have contact. Your blog"thingy" worked, so will have to ask when oneday I need to do it. Love Edwin, hope he catches something. Have a good weekend.