I hate this time of year as photos come out rubbish come tea time as the days get darker earlier...!
Here I have got ahead just a little with a Valentine card. it did not however start out as one it just turned out this way and am happy with it too! It is also made with a few scrap pieces of paper..
as are the other 2 cards... So i'm a happy crafter today. Other than the rubbish photos as they do not show the colours very well.
My day off on Tuesday has ended with me having the rest of the week off too...! I just wish it had been during the summer months.!
Some of my crafting friends from Paper Craft Planet are meeting up at the NEC tomorrow, oh how I wish I could be there... Have a fun day tomorrow girls and roll on next year when we hope more of us "On Line" crafters will try and meet up too..
The felt heart border came to me via an RAK, the flowers are made from scraps and I have a tub of them...
There were no comments left on my bottle tags yesterday. ;o(
I hope I have some love left today.....
Have a fab weekend and I hope to be back tomorrow...
Lynn xx
Great cards here Lynn, haven't you been a busy girl !! LOL