Now you may be wondering what I have been up to...
It has to be another box as I have far too many cards.. This box however is very very special as it is to introduce everyone to my first grandaughter whom I will be going to see on Friday. They live so far away and we are all busy people so I only get to see them once every so often. When Courtney gets older I may let her have the box but for now it is my pride and joy and I can look at it whenever I want to..
Black may seem an odd colour but with pink it stands out very well and I Love it...! I keep adding embelishments if and when I come across one that is nice enough as nothing but the best will do.
I hope you like the box as much as I enjoy looking at it.
When I meet with them next week I hope to be getting more up to date photos. I now also need to find another nice box and do a blue Thomas the tank Engine one with photos of Cian my Welsh grandson who is Courtneys older brother.
Happy Birthday for tomorrow Courtney...
She will be the grand old age of 2 ;o)
Oh and then I best get another box for who ever it may be that will arrive in November. We do not know if it is to be a boy or girl as mum and dad want a surprise...
Georges (my Hubby) son and his girlfriend had a baby girl last Thursday "Lottie" (Charlotte Matilda).
I need to get even more boxes..... As the grandchildren are now coming thick n fast I think these boxes could be nice for christmas presents... What do you think?
Please leave me some love and let me know.
It will be early next week when I leave anything here as i'm away for the weekend.